LA: Senate agrees to ban sex offenders from door-to-door sales

Convicted sex offenders in Louisiana would be unable to work in door-to-door sales, if the state House of Representatives agrees to a measure that won unanimous support from the Senate. Full Article

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and the oligarchy issues another law.

Wow they are really coming up with all kinds of new things. Just no hope in the US.

Well, there’s another state that I wouldn’t want to live in. Come to think of it, I wouldn’t want to live in LA. even if they gave me free rent. I can’t really even think of a reason to visit a place like New Orleans, that sits below sea level. So how smart are they there?

dang I was just thinking of moving there to start my new biz too! door to door sex toy sales lol , I have been there and your not missing much , so I will go back to watching them on Jerry Springer, lol , just think you could sell disel powered sex toys to our friend Nance G ! the world would be a better place !lol , I am sorry but sometimes I am in need of a joke to kind of lighten the mood , because so far the joke I feel has been on the RSO’s , When was the last time you have even seen a door to door sales person? just more Fear Factor crap,

So Louisiana is purposely negating job opportunities to registrants? The state government is purposely banishing a specific group from employment. Removed from a list of jobs opportunities are bus/taxi work or jobs where services are done inside a residential home. Now tack on door to door. What other jobs can they deny registrants. I know in Cali, I read in a newspaper that the fire department needs help, but not if you’re registrant.

Once off probation or parole, then isn’t that discriminatory? It’s like residency restriction, but pertaining to jobs.

I went to the welcome center in Louisiana off the I-20 from Texas. When I walk into the center I stated with a loud voice, “Louisiana, where you go on vacation and leave on probation!” Louisiana has the highest incarceration rate in the nation. I’m not surprised with this new law. It closes more that just going door to door as far as homes but businesses as well. So forget any job with fedex, a cable company, handyman service, plumber, or any kind of route type of business. Even delivering pizza is off limits. Sheesh!!!

Can a person Hand out Campaign fliers Door to door.

How about going door to door for a charity? This is another poorly thought out law. How about door to door campaigning with collecting money commitments to political candidates. Kinda silencing a individuals ……

Sooner or later every registrant will come in contact with a minor. It is unavoidable and little by little they will create more laws to cover more situations until the registrant is truly a detainee in his own home. Even then you will not be allowed to answer the door, because you may see a minor at your doorstep doing some kind of fundraising for his or her school.
As the frog who doesn’t realize he is doomed as the temperature of the water is raised slowly, the civil rights watcher groups like the ACLU fail to see what is happening here. Then it will start on other disfavored groups. In the end we will all be good as cooked because of that oversight.

Like they don’t have better use of the legislature there,…c’mon.
Wait for it..wait for it…this just in…they now ban group from being an Al Bundy and selling women’s shoes.
Oh the humanity…;)